Banner Govlog by XL Aviata

Sabtu, 17 April 2010


In the field of marketing, there are also known the 4P Marketing Mix :
- Product
- Promotion
- Price
- Place
But in practice the use of all four of the above depending on the goods & services market share as well. In the business world there are two factors, namely external and internal. The external factors are competitors and consumers. While internal factors are capital, human resources, and others. Opportunities & threats in the business world rather than from within but from outside. Derived from the only form of strength & weaknesses of the company itself.

To maximize marketing, do a market segmentation. That is dividing a market into groups based on the typical buyer needs, characteristics, or behavior, which may require a product or a separate marketing mix. While the market targeting is a process for evaluating the attractiveness of each segment and selecting one or more segments which will be inserted. There is also the positioning of the market, which is arranged so that the product can occupy a position in consumers minds are clear, distinctive, and desirable relative to their competitors products.

Also required in marketing a marketing strategy, namely the annual plan and long-term plan.
The annual plan is a short term plan which outlines the current marketing situation, the target company, the company’s current strategy, action program, and budget control. While long-term plan outlines the various factors and forces affecting the company’s primary next few years. Planning strategy itself is a process to develop & maintain a strategy that fits between the objectives and organizational capabilities and market opportunities are always changing. There also is a corporate mission statement of what the organization’s goals to be achieved within the wider environment. There are 4 steps in strategic planning:
- Defining the company mission
- Set goals & targets companies
- Designing the business portfolio
- Planning, marketing, and other functional strategies

Steps on Decision Making

These are 10 steps on decision making:

1.) Don't waste time on such a poor choice.

2.) Consult with the people who will be directly affected by your decision.

3.) It is easy to dismiss your intuition but you may be disregarding valuable insight and even solutions.

4.) Some decisions may even create new problems from it.

5.) Ask both practical questions and personal questions about the problem at hand.

6.) Before anything else focus on the most basic necessary results.

7.) Consider the entire range of possibilities no matter how unlikely.

8.) Learn from your mistakes as well as your triumphs.

9.) Making a difficult choice can seem harrowing when you feel you're working alone.

10.) A good decision acted upon in a timely matter is always better than a great one acted upon too late.

Coordination Conjunction in Compound Sentences

Compound Sentences, is a form of sentence which is a combination of the two phrases / sentences that are connected with one single or two connecting words, to make a continuous line of sentence.

There are two types of connecting words, the first is the coordinating conjunctions (and, but, yet, or, nor, so) and the second is a set of correlatives (either-or, neither-nor, not only-but also, both-and).

In coordinating conjunctions, form link connects between words to words, phrases to phrases, clauses to clauses.

1.) Words to words
Most people doesn't like an ice cream with flavour of cheese nor meat.
2.) Phrase to phrase
The great white shark can be found in the warm-sea or at the cold-sea.
3.) Clause to clause
What you need and what you desire are two different things.